FarmVille 2: Country Escape - Fall Festival Event - Phase 2

FarmVille 2 Country Escape, Sommelier, Wines
The latest event in FarmVille 2: Country Escape features a Fall Festival on your farm. Caterer Caterina and Sommelier Simon arrive to help make the festival the tastiest one yet.
Start off the event by tapping on the Fall Festival Pavilion located to the right of Eagle Eye Eddie's hangar. The Fall Festival Pavilion will bring up the event if you are at least Level 12.
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Farm, Fall
The recommended level for this event however is Level 19 to be able to complete all the phases.
Finish the event on or before September 24th 2017 to win a temporary visit from the Pumpkin Cat. Phase 2 requires the use of the Pastry Oven to make Pumpkin Muffins.

Bonus timer: None - at least, I didn't have one. Whyyy?

FarmVille 2: Country Escape - Phase 2 Event Items

FarmVille 2 Country Escape, Windmill, Coins
Autumn Basket - Windmill
Autumn Baskets are what you will use to visit the Outdoors Kitchen.

FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Outdoor, Kitchen
Rare Event Item:
Pumpkin Filling - Outdoors Kitchen

FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Glade, Cupcakes
Rare Event Item:
Cupcake Cups -  Prized Animals, Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, or Pier

FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Milk, Peaches
Glaze: Dairy
Cow Milk x2 - Poke thy Cow/Buy Milk
Peach x3 - Harvest/Buy Peaches

Note: This is needed to craft the Pumpkin Muffins

FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Cooking Ingredients

Pumpkin Muffins: Pastry Oven
Glaze - Poke thy Cow/Buy Milk
Pumpkin Filling - Found at the Outdoors Kitchen
Cupcake Cups x2 - Prized Animals, Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, or Pier

Note: Remember to craft in groups of 3 to increase your chance of getting the event items. The higher the better but at least in groups of 3 or you will end up having to hunt and peck for more ingredients.

FarmVille Fall Festival Quests:

FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Sofia, Purple Background
Start off the quests by tapping on the green "Let's Go!" button. Sofia mentions cooking is fun with another person. One day, I'll find out if that's true or not. So far, not a single person wants to be in the same kitchen as me. Something about fireballs and fire alarm mishaps...
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Padlock, Sugar

Mastering the Basics: 1 of 3
  • Craft/Buy Sugar x4
  • Craft/Buy Country Biscuits x2
  • Visit Grandma's Glade 3x's
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Padlock, Woman
Your reward for completing the quest is a Barn Padlock.
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Corn, Kitchen
Mastering the Basics: 2 of 3
  • Harvest/Buy Corn x6
  • Visit the Outdoors Kitchen 4x's
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Woman with Black Dress
Your reward is 2 shiny keys for your farm!
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Woman Waving
Grandmother's are super adorable. Always praising their grandchildren and giving them oodles of love and presents. Click on the "Let's Go!" Button to continue.
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Cornucopia
Mastering the Basics: 3 of 3
  • Complete Phase 2
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Woman Surprised
The prizes vary for each player. What did you get? Something awesome I hope! Good job finishing the second phase!

FarmVille Western Event Rewards for Phase 2:

FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Glow, Glitter
Final Rewards: 4 Barn Nails, and 10 Speed Seed
FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Costume Sheep, Sheep, Farm

Tip: Raising Sheep is now here. Partner up with another player to help boost the Community Goal. If you do, you'll be able to unlock 3 new sheep as well as potentially win a temporary visit from a curious Sheep Dog. Good luck!

FarmVille 2: Country Escape - Fall Festival Event Quests:

FV2CE: Fall Festival - PHASE 1
FV2CE: Fall Festival - PHASE 2
FV2CE: Fall Festival - PHASE 3
FV2CE: Fall Festival - PHASE 4
FV2CE: Fall Festival - PHASE 5
FV2CE: Fall Festival - PHASE 6
FV2CE: Fall Festival - BONUS QUEST


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